This document targets developers working on INCEpTION.


This document describes how INCEpTION internally works and how it can be extended to fit your use case or project. It is targeted to software developers. At first, we will give a brief overview of the used technology in INCEpTION, then describe how to setup the working environment including version control, IDE and software requirements. Then, the architecture itself with core services and extension points is presented.

Core technology

INCEpTION is written as a Java application and heavily relies on Spring Boot. Its user interface is a web application that is powered by Apache Wicket. The Natural Language Processing components are mostly based on DKPro Core. This includes the tokenization, import and export to many different standard formats, as well as recommenders i.e. machine learning tools that provide annotation support. The internal data format heavily relies on UIMA and its CAS format.

System Requirements

Table 1. Requirements for users


Chrome or Safari (latest versions)

You should also be able to use INCEpTION with other browsers such as Firefox, Brave, etc. However, those are less regularly tested by the developers. It is recommended to always use the latest version of any browser product you may be using to ensure best compatibility.

Table 2. Requirements to run the standalone version

Operating System

Linux (64bit), macOS (64bit), Windows (64bit)

Java Runtime Environment

version 17 or higher

The examples in this guide are based on a recent Debian Linux. Most of them should apply quite directly to Debian-based distributions like e.g. Ubuntu. INCEpTION will run on other distributions as well, but you may have to use different commands for managing users, installing software, etc.

Table 3. Requirements run the server version

Operating System

Linux (64bit), macOS (64bit), Windows (64bit)

Java Runtime Environment

version 17 or higher

DB Server

MariaDB version 10.6 or higher
MySQL version 8.0 or higher
MS SQL Server 2022 or higher (πŸ§ͺ experimental)
PostgreSQL 16.3 or higher (πŸ§ͺ experimental)

You may be able to run INCEpTION on older database server versions but it may require extra configuration that is not included in this documentation. You may consider referring to older versions of this administrators guide included with older versions of INCEpTION.

Table 4. Requirements for a Docker-based deployment


version 24 or higher (arm64 or amd64)


This section covers setting up a development environment.

Source code management

We use git as our source code management system and collaborate via the INCEpTION repository on GitHub.

Development workflow

Every feature or bug fix needs to be tracked in an issue on GitHub. Development is done in branches. Based on the milestone (see the issue description on GitHub), the new branch is either created from master (if the code should be in the next major release) or from a bugfix release branch (if the code should be in the next minor release). In order to get the code in production, you need to create a pull request on GitHub of your branch into the target branch (as described before).

In order to contribute to INCEpTION, you need to create a pull request. This section briefly guides you through the best way of doing this:

  • Every feature or bug fix needs to be tracked in an issue on GitHub. If there is no issue for the feature yet, create an issue first.

  • Create a branch based on the branch to which you wish to contribute. Normally, you should create this branch from the master branch of the respective project. In the case that you want to fix a bug in the latest released version, you should consider to branch off the latest maintenance branch (e.g. 0.10.x). If you are not sure, ask via the issue you have just created. Do not make changes directly to the master or maintenance branches. The name of the branch should be e.g. feature/[ISSUE-NUMBER]-[SHORT-ISSUE-DESCRIPTION] or bugfix/[ISSUE-NUMBER]-[SHORT-ISSUE-DESCRIPTION].

  • Now you make changes to your branch. When committing to your branch, use the format shown below for your commit messages. Note that # normally introduces comments in git. You may have to reconfigure git before attempting an interactive rebase and switch it to another comment character.

    - [CHANGE 1]
    - [CHANGE 2]
    - [...]

You can create the pull request any time after your first commit. I.e. you do not have to wait until you are completely finished with your implementation. Creating a pull request early tells other developers that you are actively working on an issue and facilitates asking questions about and discussing implementation details.

Git configuration

Before committing, make sure that you specified your email and name in the git config so that commits can be attributed to you. This can e.g. be done as described in the Git Documentation.

All sources files are stored using UNIX line endings. If you develop on Windows, you have to set the core.autocrlf configuration setting to input to avoid accidentally submitting Windows line endings to the repository. Using input is a good strategy in most cases, thus you should consider setting this as a global (add --global) or even as a system (--system) setting.

Configure git line ending treatment
C:\> git config --global core.autocrlf input

After changing this setting, best do a fresh clone and check-out of the project.

Code style

We use a style for formatting the source code in INCEpTION. Our approach consists of two steps:

  • DKPro code formatting profile - the profile configures your IDE to auto-format the code according to our guidelines as you go.

  • Checkstyle - this tool is used to check if the source code is actually formatted according to our guidelines. It is run as part of a Maven build and the build fails if the code is not formatted properly.

Here is a brief summary of the formatting rules:

  • no tabs, only spaces

  • indenting using 4 spaces in Java files and 2 spaces in XML files

  • maximum 100 characters per line (with a few exceptions)

  • curly braces on the next line for class/method declarations, same line for logic blocks (if/for/…​)

  • parameter names start with a (e.g. void foo(String aValue))

Setting up for the development in Eclipse

This is a guide to setting up a development environment using Eclipse on Mac OS X. The procedure should be similar for other operation systems.

First, you need to follow some steps of the Administrator Installation Guide. It is recommended to configure a MySQL-server.

We recommend you start from a Eclipse IDE for Java Developers package.

Use a JDK

On Linux or OS X, having a full JDK installed on your system is generally sufficient. You can skip on to the next section.

On Windows, you need to edit the eclipse.ini file and directly before the -vmargs line, you have to add the following two lines. Mind to replace C:/Program Files/Java/jdk11 with the actual location of the JDK/version on your system. Without this, Eclipse will complain that the artifact would be missing.

Force Eclipse to run on a JDK
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk11/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll

Eclipse Plug-ins

  • Maven Integration: m2e , already comes pre-installed with the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. If you use another edition of Eclipse which does not have m2e pre-installed, go to Help→Install New Software, select "--All available sites--" and choose Collaboration → m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse

  • Apache UIMA tools: go to Help→Install New Software, select "Add…​" and add the update site: as a location. Install the Apache UIMA Eclipse tooling and runtime support.

  • Eclipse Web Development Tooling: go to Help→Install New Software, select "--All available sites--" and select the following plug-ins for installation from the section Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development:

    • Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools

    • Eclipse Web Developer Tools

    • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools: already comes pre-installed in newer Eclipse versions

Eclipse Workspace Settings

  • You should check that Text file encoding is UTF-8 in Preferences → General → Workspace.

  • You need to enable Java annotation preprocessors. Go to Preferences → Maven → Annotation Processing and set the Annotation Processing Mode to Automatic.

Importing INCEpTION into the Workspace

Checkout out the INCEpTION git repository with your favorite git client. If you use the command-line client, use the command

$ git clone

In Eclipse, go to File → Import, choose Existing Maven projects, and select the folder to which you have cloned INCEpTION. Eclipse should automatically detect all modules.

Setting up Checkstyle and Formatting

We use a style for formatting the source code in INCEpTION (see Checkstyle and Formatting. The following section describes how to use it with Eclipse.

First, obtain the DKPro code formatting profile from the DKPro website (Section "Code style"). In Eclipse, go to Preferences → Java → Code Style → Formatter to import the file. Apparently, the files can also be used with IntelliJ via the [Eclipse Code Formatter]( plugin.

The parameter prefix a needs to be configured manually. In Eclipse go to Preferences → Java → Code Style set the prefix list column in the parameters row to a.

Second, install the Checkstyle plugin for Eclipse as well as the Maven Checkstyle plugin for Eclipse. These plugins make Eclipse automatically pick up the checkstyle configuration from the Maven project and highlight formatting problems directly in the source code editor.

Should the steps mentioned above not have been sufficient, close all the INCEpTION projects in Eclipse, then remove them form the workspace (not from the disk), delete any .checkstyle files in the INCEpTION modules, and then re-import them into Eclipse again using Import→Existing Maven projects. During the project import, the Checkstyle configuration plugin for M2Eclipse should properly set up the .checkstyle files and activate checkstyle.
If the Maven project update cannot be completed due to missing .jars, execute a Maven install via right click on the inception project Run as → Maven build…​, enter the goal install and check Skip Tests. Alternatively, use the command mvn clean install -DskipTests.

Setting up for the development in IntelliJ IDEA

This is a guide to setting up a development environment using IntelliJ IDEA. We assume that the Community Version is used, but this guide should also apply to the Enterprise Version.

After checking out INCEpTION from GitHub, open IntelliJ and import the project. The easiest way is to go to File → Open and the select the pom.xml in the INCEpTION root directory. IntelliJ IDEA will then guide you through the import process, the defaults work out of the box. INCEpTION can now be started via running inception-app-webapp/src/main/java/de/tudarmstadt/ukp/inception/

If you get errors that certain classes are not found, then open a terminal, go to the INCEpTION repository root and run

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true

Alternatively, you can run the clean and install Maven goals from IntelliJ manually.

If you get an error that the command line is too long, please go to Run → Edit Configurations → Modify Options → Shorten Command Line in IntelliJ IDEA and select the option @argfile (Java 9+) - java @argfile className [args].

Checkstyle and Formatting

We use a style for formatting the source code in INCEpTION (see Checkstyle and Formatting. The following section describes how to use it with IntelliJ IDEA.

First, install the Checkstyle-IDEA plugin. In File | Settings | Other Settings | Checkstyle, navigate to the Checkstyle tab. Start to add a new configuration file by clicking on the + on the right, navigate to inception-build/src/main/resources/inception/checkstyle.xml and apply the changes. Make sure to check the box next to the newly created configuration and apply it as well.

In order to achieve the same formatting and import order as Eclipse, install the Eclipse Code Formatter. Download the DKPro Eclipse Code Style file. In File | Settings | Other Settings | Eclipse Code Formatter, create a new profile using this file.

Also make sure to enable auto import optimization in File | Settings | Editor | General | Auto Import.

To format your source code on save, we also recommend to install the Save Actions plugin and configure it accordingly.

IntelliJ IDEA Tomcat Integration

This requires IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. Using Tomcat allows editing HTML,CSS and JavaScript on the fly without restarting the application. First, download Apache Tomcat from (we’re using version 8.5). Then, you need to create a Tomcat server runtime configuration in Run | Edit Configurations…. Click on the ` icon, select `Tomcat Server -> Local`. Click on the `Deployment` tab and then on the ` icon to select an artifact to deploy. Choose the exploded war version. Select the Server tab, navigate to the path of your Tomcat server, and update the on Update action to Update classes and resources for both. Make sure that all port settings are different. You now can start or debug your web application via Tomcat. If starting throws a permission error, make sure that the mentioned file, e.g. is marked as executable.

Experimental: If desired, you can also use hot-code replacement via HotswapAgent. This allows you to change code, e.g. adding methods without needing to restart the Tomcat server. For this, follow the excellent HotSwap IntelliJ IDEA plugin guide.

Building documentation

The documentation can be built using a support class in inception-doc/src/test/java/de/tudarmstadt/ukp/inception/doc/ To make it usable from Intellij IDEA, you need to build the whole project at least once. Run the class. If it fails, alter the run configuration and add a new environment variable INTELLIJ=true and check that the working directory is the INCEpTION root directory. The resulting documentation will be in target/doc-out.


To run INCEpTION from your IDE, locate the class de.tudarmstadt.ukp.inception.INCEpTION and run it as a Java application. This runs INCEpTION as a Spring Boot application using an embedded web server - similar to running the compiled JAR file from the command line. You may want to define the following system properties in your launch configuration:

Setting Value Description


/home/username/inception-dev (adjust to your situation)

Location to store the application data



Enable the development mode. This e.g. disables caches so that changes to HTML files in the IDE directly reflect in the running application.


INCEpTION uses a standard 3-layer architecture with the presentation layer using Wicket at the top, the business layer heavily relying on Spring Boot and the data layer which is interfaced with Hibernate at the bottom.

Wicket pages

Wicket can only inject components that are interfaces. A pattern for these cases is to create an ExampleComponent interface and implement it in an ExampleComponentImpl class.


Services encode the core logic of INCEpTION. They can be injected into Wicket pages and other services to interact with the rest of the application. Services can inject Spring components via autowiring. A good example of a service can e.g. be seen in the


The database can be accessed via Hibernate. The schema itself and migrations are managed by Liquibase.


When changing the database schema, migrations from the current schema to the new one need to be defined. They describe how the schema needs to be modified. This way, INCEpTION can be upgraded to newer versions without needing to manually alter the database schema. The migration process determines the current version of the schema and only applies transformations from there to the newest one. Each module defines its own data base tables and migrations in a file called db-changelog.xml. These are automatically discovered by Liquibase and used when starting INCEpTION.



Source documents

The original document uploaded by a user into a project. The document is preserved in its original format.

Annotation documents

Annotations made by a particular user on a document. The annotation document is persisted separately from the original document. There is one annotation document per user per document. Within the tool, a CAS data structure is used to represent the annotation document.

Annotation Schema


The layers mechanism allows supporting different types of annotation layers, e.g. span layers, relation layers or chain layers. It consists of the following classes and interfaces:

  • The LayerSupport interface provides the API for implementing layer types.

  • The LayerSupportRegistry interface and its default implementation LayerSupportRegistryImpl serve as an access point to the different supported layer types.

  • The LayerType class which represents a short summary of a supported layer type. It is used when selecting the type of a feature in the UI.

  • The TypeAdapter interface provides methods to create, manipulate or delete annotations on the given type of layer.

To add support for a new type of layer, create a Spring component class which implements the LayerSupport interface. Note that a single layer support class can handle multiple layer types. However, it is generally recommended to implement a separate layer support for every layer type. Implement the following methods:

  • getId() to return a unique identifier for the new layer type. Typically the Spring bean name is returned here.

  • getSupportedLayerTypes() to return a list of all the supported layer types handled by the new layer support. This values returned here are used to populate the layer type choice when creating a new layer in the project settings.

  • accepts(AnnotationLayer) to return true for any annotation layer that is handled by the new layer support. I.e. AnnotationLayer.getType() must return a layer type identifier that was produced by the given layer support.

  • generateTypes(TypeSystemDescription, AnnotationLayer) to generate the UIMA type system for the given annotation layer. This is a partial type system which is merged by the application with the type systems produced by other layer supports as well as with the base type system of the application itself (i.e. the DKPro Core type system and the internal types).

  • getRenderer(AnnotationLayer) to return an early-stage renderer for the annotations on the given layer.

The concept of layers is not yet fully modularized. Many parts of the application will only know how to deal with specific types of layers. Adding a new layer type should not crash the application, but it may also not necessarily be possible to actually use the new layer. In particular, changes to the TSV format may be required to support new layer types.

Span layer

A span layer allows to create annotations over spans of text.

If attachType is set, then an annotation can only be created over the same span on which an annotation of the specified type also exists. For span layers, setting attachFeature is mandatory if a attachType is defined. The attachFeature indicates the feature on the annotation of the attachType layer which is to be set to the newly created annotation.

For example, the Lemma layer has the attachType set to Token and the attachFeature set to lemma. This means, that a new lemma annotation can only be created where a token already exists and that the lemma feature of the token will point to the newly created lemma annotation.

Deleting an annotation that has other annotations attached to it will also cause the attached annotations to be deleted.

This case is currently not implemented because it is currently not allowed to create spans that attach to other spans. The only span type for which this is relevant is the Token type which cannot be deleted.

Relation layer

A relation layer allows to draw arcs between span annotations. The attachType is mandatory for relation types and specifies which type of annotations arcs can be drawn between.

Arcs can only be drawn between annotations of the same layer. It is not possible to draw an arc between two spans of different layers.

Only a single relation layer can attach to any given span layer.

If the annotation_feature is set, then the arc is not drawn between annotations of the layer indicated by annotation_type, but between annotations of the type specified by the feature. E.g. for a dependency relation layer, annotation_type would be set to Token and annotation_feature to pos. The Token type has no visual representation in the UI. However, the pos feature points to a POS annotation, which is rendered and between which the dependency relation arcs are then drawn.

Deleting an annotation that is the endpoint of a relation will also delete the relation. In the case that annotation_feature, this is also the case if the annotation pointed to is deleted. E.g. if a POS annotation in the above example is deleted, then the attaching relation annotations are also deleted.

Document Metadata

A document metadata layer can be used to create annotations that apply to an entire document instead of to a specific span of text.

Document metadata types inherit from the UIMA AnnotationBase type (text annotations inherit from Annotation). As such, they do not have begin/end offsets.

Layers Behaviors

Layer behaviors allow to customize the way a layer of a particular span behaves, e.g. whether a span is allowed to cross sentence boundaries, whether it anchors to characters or tokens, whether the tree of relations among annotations is valid, etc. The layer behaviors tie in with the specific LayerSupport implementations. The mechanism itself consists of the following classes and interfaces:

  • The LayerBehavior interface provides the API necessary for registering new behaviors. There are abstract classes such as SpanLayerBehavior or RelationLayerBehavior which provide the APIs for behaviors of specific layer types.

  • The LayerBehaviorRegistry and its default implementation LayerBehaviorRegistryImpl serve as an access point to the different supported layer behaviors. Any Spring component implementing the LayerBehavior interface is loaded, and will be named in the logs when the web app is launched. The classpath scanning used to locate Spring beans is limited to specific Java packages, e.g. any packages starting with de.tudarmstadt.ukp.clarin.webanno.

A layer behavior may have any of the following responsibilities:

  • Ensure that new annotations that are created conform with the behavior. This is done via the onCreate method. If the annotation to be created does not conform with the behavior, the method can cancel the creation of the annotation by throwing an AnnotationException.

  • Highlight annotations not conforming with the behavior. This is relevant when importing pre-annotated files or when changing the behavior configuration of an existing layer. The relevant method is onRender. If an annotation does not conform with the behavior, a error marker should be added for problematic annotation. This is done by creating a VComment which attaches an error message to a specified visual element, then adding that to the response VDocument. Note that onRender is unlike onCreate and onValidate in that it only has indirect access to the CAS: it is passed a mapping from AnnotationFS instances to their corresponding visual elements, and can use .getCAS() on the FS. The annotation layer can be identified from the visual element with .getLayer().getName().

  • Ensure that documents being marked as finished conform with the behavior. This is done via the onValidate method, which returns a list of LogMessage, AnnotationFS pairs to report errors associated with each FS.


The features mechanism allows supporting different types of annotation features, e.g. string features, numeric features, boolean features, link features, etc. It consists of the following classes and interfaces:

  • The FeatureSupport interface provides the API for implementing feature types.

  • The FeatureSupportRegistry interface and its default implementation FeatureSupportRegistryImpl serve as an access point to the different supported feature types.

  • The FeatureType class which represents a short summary of a supported feature type. It is used when selecting the type of a feature in the UI.

  • The TypeAdapter interface provides methods to create, manipulate or delete annotations on the given type of layer.

To add support for a new type of feature, create a Spring component class which implements the FeatureSupport interface. Note that a single feature support class can handle multiple feature types. However, it is generally recommended to implement a separate layer support for every feature type. Implement the following methods:

  • getId() to return a unique identifier for the new feature type. Typically the Spring bean name is returned here.

  • getSupportedFeatureTypes() to return a list of all the supported feature types handled by the new feature support. This values returned here are used to populate the feature type choice when creating a new feature in the project settings.

  • accepts(AnnotationLayer) to return true for any annotation layer that is handled by the new layer support. I.e. AnnotationLayer.getType() must return a layer type identifier that was produced by the given layer support.

  • generateFeature(TypeSystemDescription, TypeDescription, AnnotationFeature) add the UIMA feature definition for the given annotation feature to the given type.

If the new feature has special configuration settings, then implement the following methods:

  • readTraits(AnnotationFeature) to extract the special settings form the given annotation feature definition. It is expected that the traits are stored as a JSON string in the traits field of AnnotationFeature. If the traits field is null, a new traits object must be returned.

  • writeTraits(AnnotationFeature, T) to encode the layer-specific traits object into a JSON string and store it in the traits field of AnnotationFeature.

  • createTraitsEditor(String, IModel<AnnotationFeature> to create a custom UI for the special feature settings. This UI is shown below the standard settings in the feature detail editor on the Layers tab of the project settings.

The search module contains the basic methods that implement the search service and search functionalities of INCEpTION.

The SearchService and SearchServiceImpl classes define and implement the search service as a Spring component, allowing other modules of INCEpTION to create an index for a given project, and to perform queries over that index.

The indexes have two different aspects: the conceptual index, represented by the Index class, and the physical index, represented by a particular physical implementation of an index. This allows different search providers to be used by INCEpTION. Currently, the default search implementation uses Mtas (, a Lucene / Solr based index engine that allows to annotate not only raw texts but also different linguistic annotations.

Every search provider is defined by its own index factory, with a general index registry to hold all the available search providers.

Mtas Index

The Mtas index is implemented in the MtasDocumentIndex and MtasDocumentIndexFactory classes. Furthermore, the MtasUimaParser class provides a parser to be used by Lucene when adding a new document to the index.

  • MtasDocumentIndexFactory

The factory allows to build a new MtasDocumentIndex through the getNewIndex method, which is called by the search service.

  • MtasDocumentIndex

This class holds the main functionalities of a Mtas index. Its methods are called by the search service and allow to create, open close and drop a Mtas index. It allows to add or delete a document from an index, as well as to perform queries on the index.

Each index is related to only one project, and every project can have only one index from a given search provider.

When adding a document to a Mtas index, the Lucene engine will use the class MtasUimaParser in order to find out which are the tokens and annotations to be indexed.

  • MtasUimaParser

The parser is responsible for creating a new TokenCollection to be used by Lucene, whenever a new document is being indexed. The token collection consists of all the tokens and annotations found in the document, which are transformed into Mtas tokens in order to be added to the Lucene index. The parser scans the document CAS and goes through all its annotations, finding out which ones are related to the annotation layers in the document’s project - those are the annotations to be indexed. Currently, the parser only indexes span type annotations.

Recommenders system

For information on the different recommenders, please refer to user guide.


Recommenders provide the ability to generate annotation suggestions. Optionally, they can be trained based on existing annotations. Also optionally, they can be evaluated.

  • The RecommendationEngineFactory interface provides the API for implementing recommender types.

  • The RecommendationEngine interface provides the API for the actual recommenders produced by the factory.

  • The RecommenderFactoryRegistry interface and its default implementation RecommenderFactoryRegistryImpl serve as an access point to the different recommender types.

Suggestion supports

Suggestion supports provide everything necessary to handle annotation suggestions. This includes:

  • extracting suggestions from the predicted annotations that the recommenders

  • rendering these suggestions

  • handling actions like accepting/correting, rejecting, or skipping suggestions

The subsystem is made up of the following main APIs:

  • The SuggestionSupport interface provides the API for handling different kinds of suggestions.

  • The SuggestionSupportRegistry interface and its default implementation SuggestionSupportRegistryImpl serve as an access point to the different recommender types.

  • The SuggestionRenderer interface provides the API for rendering suggestions into a VDoc.

Implementing a custom recommender

This section describes the overall design of internal recommenders in INCEpTION and gives a tutorial on how to implement them. Internal recommenders are created by implementing relevant Java interfaces and are added via Maven dependencies. These are then picked up during application startup by the Spring Framework.

For this tutorial, we will add a recommender for named entities that uses the data majority label for predicting, i.e. it predicts always the label that appears most often in the training data. The full code for this example can be found in the inception-example-imls-data-majority module.

Setting up the environment

To get started, check out the most recent source code of INCEpTION from Github and import it as a Maven project in the IDE of your choice. Add a new module to the INCEpTION project itself, we will call it inception-example-imls-data-majority.

In the root pom.xml of the INCEpTION project, add your recommender as a dependency. Update the version of the dependency entry you just created to the version you find in the pom.xml of the INCEpTION project. It should look like this:


Add the same entry in inception-app-webapp, but omit the version number. It then uses automatically the version in the parent POM file. Also add it to usedDependencies there.

To add a new recommender to INCEpTION, two classes need to be created. These are described in the following.

Implementing the RecommendationEngine

Recommenders give suggestions for possible annotations to the user. In order to do that, they need to be able be to trained on existing annotations, predict annotations in a document and be evaluated for a performance estimate. This is what the RecommendationEngine abstract class is for. It defines the methods that are used to train, test and evaluate a machine learning algorithm and offers several helper methods. Instances of this class often wrap external machine learning packages like OpenNLP or Deeplearning4j.

Recommenders in INCEpTION heavily rely on Apache UIMA types and features. A recommender is configured for a certain layer and a certain feature. A layer can be seen as the type of annotation you want to to, e.g. POS, NER. Layers correspond to UIMA types. A feature is one piece of information that should be annotated, e.g. the POS tag. One layer can have many features. When extending RecommendationEngine, the predicted layer/type can be obtained by getPredictedType, the feature to predict respectively by getPredictedFeature.

Annotations are given to a recommender in the form of a UIMA CAS. One CAS corresponds to one document in INCEpTION. Annotations from a CAS can be read and manipulated via the CasUtil.

We start by creating a new class de.tudarmstadt.ukp.inception.recommendation.imls.datamajority.DataMajorityNerRecommender that implements RecommendationEngine. Please see the JavaDoc of the respective methods for their semantics.

Class and member definition for the DataMajorityNerRecommender
public class DataMajorityNerRecommender
    extends RecommendationEngine
    public static final Key<DataMajorityModel> KEY_MODEL = new Key<>("model");

    private static final Class<Token> DATAPOINT_UNIT = Token.class;

    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    public DataMajorityNerRecommender(Recommender aRecommender)

     * Given training data in {@code aCasses}, train a model. In order to save data between runs,
     * the {@code aContext} can be used. This method must not mutate {@code aCasses} in any way.
     * @param aContext
     *            The context of the recommender
     * @param aCasses
     *            The training data
     * @throws RecommendationException
     *             if there was a problem during training
    public abstract void train(RecommenderContext aContext, List<CAS> aCasses)
        throws RecommendationException;

     * Given text in a {@link CAS}, predict target annotations. These should be written into
     * {@link CAS}. In order to restore data from e.g. previous training, the
     * {@link RecommenderContext} can be used.
     * @param aContext
     *            The context of the recommender
     * @param aCas
     *            The training data
     * @return Range in which the recommender generated predictions. No suggestions in this range
     *         should be inherited.
     * @throws RecommendationException
     *             if there was a problem during prediction
    public Range predict(PredictionContext aContext, CAS aCas) throws RecommendationException
        return predict(aContext, aCas, 0, aCas.getDocumentText().length());

     * Given text in a {@link CAS}, predict target annotations. These should be written into
     * {@link CAS}. In order to restore data from e.g. previous training, the
     * {@link RecommenderContext} can be used.
     * <p>
     * Depending on the recommender, it may be necessary to internally extend the range in which
     * recommendations are generated so that recommendations that partially overlap the prediction
     * range may also be generated.
     * @param aContext
     *            The context of the recommender
     * @param aCas
     *            The training data
     * @param aBegin
     *            Begin of the range in which predictions should be generated.
     * @param aEnd
     *            End of the range in which predictions should be generated.
     * @return Range in which the recommender generated predictions. No suggestions in this range
     *         should be inherited.
     * @throws RecommendationException
     *             if there was a problem during prediction
    public abstract Range predict(PredictionContext aContext, CAS aCas, int aBegin, int aEnd)
        throws RecommendationException;

     * Evaluates the performance of a recommender by splitting the data given in {@code aCasses} in
     * training and test sets by using {@code aDataSplitter}, training on the training set and
     * measuring performance on unseen data on the training set. This method must not mutate
     * {@code aCasses} in any way.
     * @param aCasses
     *            The CASses containing target annotations
     * @param aDataSplitter
     *            The splitter which determines which annotations belong to which set
     * @return Scores available through an EvaluationResult object measuring the performance of
     *         predicting on the test set
     * @throws RecommendationException
     *             if there was a problem during evaluation
    public abstract EvaluationResult evaluate(List<CAS> aCasses, DataSplitter aDataSplitter)
        throws RecommendationException;

    private static class DataMajorityModel
        private final String majorityLabel;
        private final double score;
        private final int numberOfAnnotations;

        private DataMajorityModel(String aMajorityLabel, double aScore, int aNumberOfAnnotations)
            majorityLabel = aMajorityLabel;
            score = aScore;
            numberOfAnnotations = aNumberOfAnnotations;

    private static class Annotation
        private final String label;
        private final double score;
        private final String explanation;
        private final int begin;
        private final int end;

        private Annotation(String aLabel, int aBegin, int aEnd)
            this(aLabel, 0, 0, aBegin, aEnd);

        private Annotation(String aLabel, double aScore, int aNumberOfAnnotations, int aBegin,
                int aEnd)
            label = aLabel;
            score = aScore;
            explanation = "Based on " + aNumberOfAnnotations + " annotations";
            begin = aBegin;
            end = aEnd;

For the constructor, we take the Recommender object which contains the recommender configuration, e.g. the layer and the name of the feature to recommend. The next step is to implement the required methods.

DataMajorityModel and Annotation are internal data classes to simplify the code.


Instances of RecommendationEngine itself are stateless. If data like trained models need to be saved and loaded, it can be saved in the RecommenderContext that is given in the interface methods. When needed again, e.g. for prediction, it then can be loaded again. The Key class is used in order to ensure type safety.


Training consists of extracting annotations followed by training and saving the model. The platform needs to know whether the recommender is ready for prediction, this is done by overriding RecommendationEngine::isReadyForPrediction.

Training routine
public TrainingCapability getTrainingCapability()

public void train(RecommenderContext aContext, List<CAS> aCasses) throws RecommendationException
    List<Annotation> annotations = extractAnnotations(aCasses);

    DataMajorityModel model = trainModel(annotations);
    aContext.put(KEY_MODEL, model);

public boolean isReadyForPrediction(RecommenderContext aContext)
    return aContext.get(KEY_MODEL).map(Objects::nonNull).orElse(false);

Extracting annotations itself is done by iterating over all documents and selecting all annotations for each. Here, we need to use the layer name and feature for which the recommender is configured to extract the correct annotations.

Extracting annotations from the documents
private List<Annotation> extractAnnotations(List<CAS> aCasses)
    List<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<>();

    for (CAS cas : aCasses) {
        Type annotationType = CasUtil.getType(cas, layerName);
        Feature predictedFeature = annotationType.getFeatureByBaseName(featureName);

        for (AnnotationFS ann :, annotationType)) {
            String label = ann.getFeatureValueAsString(predictedFeature);
            if (isNotEmpty(label)) {
                annotations.add(new Annotation(label, ann.getBegin(), ann.getEnd()));

    return annotations;

The training itself is done by counting the number of occurrences for each label that was seen in the documents. The label is then the one which occurred the most in the training documents.

Training the model
private DataMajorityModel trainModel(List<Annotation> aAnnotations)
    throws RecommendationException
    Map<String, Integer> model = new HashMap<>();
    for (Annotation ann : aAnnotations) {
        int count = model.getOrDefault(ann.label, 0);
        model.put(ann.label, count + 1);

    Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry = model.entrySet().stream()
                    () -> new RecommendationException("Could not obtain data majority label"));

    String majorityLabel = entry.getKey();
    int numberOfAnnotations = model.values().stream().reduce(Integer::sum).get();
    double score = (float) entry.getValue() / numberOfAnnotations;

    return new DataMajorityModel(majorityLabel, score, numberOfAnnotations);

We also compute a dummy score here which is displayed in the UI and used for e.g. active learning.


The first thing we do when predicting is to load the model we saved during training. For every candidate in the document, we assign the majority label, create a new annotation and add it to the CAS. From there, it will be read by INCEpTION and displayed to the user.

Predicting annotations for a CAS
public Range predict(PredictionContext aContext, CAS aCas, int aBegin, int aEnd)
    throws RecommendationException
    DataMajorityModel model = aContext.get(KEY_MODEL).orElseThrow(
            () -> new RecommendationException("Key [" + KEY_MODEL + "] not found in context"));

    // Make the predictions
    Type tokenType = CasUtil.getAnnotationType(aCas, DATAPOINT_UNIT);
    Collection<AnnotationFS> candidates = selectOverlapping(aCas, tokenType, aBegin, aEnd);
    List<Annotation> predictions = predict(candidates, model);

    // Add predictions to the CAS
    Type predictedType = getPredictedType(aCas);
    Feature scoreFeature = getScoreFeature(aCas);
    Feature scoreExplanationFeature = getScoreExplanationFeature(aCas);
    Feature predictedFeature = getPredictedFeature(aCas);
    Feature isPredictionFeature = getIsPredictionFeature(aCas);

    for (Annotation ann : predictions) {
        AnnotationFS annotation = aCas.createAnnotation(predictedType, ann.begin, ann.end);
        annotation.setStringValue(predictedFeature, ann.label);
        annotation.setDoubleValue(scoreFeature, ann.score);
        annotation.setStringValue(scoreExplanationFeature, ann.explanation);
        annotation.setBooleanValue(isPredictionFeature, true);

    return new Range(candidates);

For a document, we consider possible candidates for a named entity to be tokens that are upper case. In a real recommender, the step of candidate extraction should be more elaborate than that, but for this tutorial, it is sufficient.

When making predictions, we also set the score feature to put a number on the quality of the annotation. The UIMA score feature to set can be obtained by calling getScoreFeature inside a RecommendationEngine. When creating predictions, make sure to call annotation.setBooleanValue(isPredictionFeature, true); so that INCEpTION knows it is a prediction, not a real annotation. In addition, we provide an explanation for the score through the UIMA feature obtained by calling getScoreExplanationFeature inside a RecommendationEngine.

Making the predictions
private List<Annotation> predict(Collection<AnnotationFS> candidates, DataMajorityModel aModel)
    List<Annotation> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (AnnotationFS token : candidates) {
        String tokenText = token.getCoveredText();
        if (tokenText.length() > 0 && !Character.isUpperCase(tokenText.codePointAt(0))) {

        int begin = token.getBegin();
        int end = token.getEnd();

        Annotation annotation = new Annotation(aModel.majorityLabel, aModel.score,
                aModel.numberOfAnnotations, begin, end);

    return result;

We use the dummy score here from the training as the recommender score.


When configuring a recommender, it can be specified that it needs to achieve a certain score before the recommendations are shown to the user. For that, the platform regularly evaluates recommenders in the background. We use macro-averaged F1-score as an evaluation score. In code, the evaluation is implemented in the evaluate method.

Evaluation is done on a set of documents. In order to properly divide the annotations into training and test set, a DataSplitter is given which tells you to which data set an annotation belongs.

For the actual evaluation, we collect the true label and the predicted majority label in a LabelPair for each true label. A stream of these instances can then be collected with the use of an EvaluationResultCollector as an EvaluationResult object - the result of the evaluation. This object provides access to calculations for token-based accuracy, macro-averaged precision, recall and F1-score. This F1-score is later used for comparison with the user-defined threshold to activate the recommender.

Evaluating the recommender
public EvaluationResult evaluate(List<CAS> aCasses, DataSplitter aDataSplitter)
    throws RecommendationException
    List<Annotation> data = extractAnnotations(aCasses);
    List<Annotation> trainingData = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Annotation> testData = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Annotation ann : data) {
        switch (aDataSplitter.getTargetSet(ann)) {
        case TRAIN:
        case TEST:
        case IGNORE:

    int trainingSetSize = trainingData.size();
    int testSetSize = testData.size();
    double overallTrainingSize = data.size() - testSetSize;
    double trainRatio = (overallTrainingSize > 0) ? trainingSetSize / overallTrainingSize : 0.0;

    if (trainingData.size() < 1 || testData.size() < 1) {"Not enough data to evaluate, skipping!");
        EvaluationResult result = new EvaluationResult(DATAPOINT_UNIT.getSimpleName(),
                getRecommender().getLayer().getUiName(), trainingSetSize, testSetSize,
        return result;

    DataMajorityModel model = trainModel(trainingData);

    // evaluation: collect predicted and gold labels for evaluation
    EvaluationResult result =
            .map(anno -> new LabelPair(anno.label, model.majorityLabel))
                    getRecommender().getLayer().getUiName(), trainingSetSize, testSetSize,

    return result;


The RecommendationFactory is used to create a new recommender instance. It also defines for which types of layers and features the recommender itself can be used. Here, we decided to only support token span layers without cross sentence annotations.

The RecommendationFactory
public class DataMajorityRecommenderFactory
    extends RecommendationEngineFactoryImplBase<Void>
    // This is a string literal so we can rename/refactor the class without it changing its ID
    // and without the database starting to refer to non-existing recommendation tools.
    public static final String ID = "";

    public String getId()
        return ID;

    public RecommendationEngine build(Recommender aRecommender)
        return new DataMajorityNerRecommender(aRecommender);

    public String getName()
        return "Data Majority Recommender";

    public boolean accepts(AnnotationLayer aLayer, AnnotationFeature aFeature)
        if (aLayer == null || aFeature == null) {
            return false;

        return (asList(SINGLE_TOKEN, TOKENS).contains(aLayer.getAnchoringMode()))
                && !aLayer.isCrossSentence() && SpanLayerSupport.TYPE.equals(aLayer.getType())
                && CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING.equals(aFeature.getType()) || aFeature.isVirtualFeature();

External recommender


This section describes the External Recommender API for INCEpTION. An external recommender is a classifier whose functionality is exposed via a HTTP web service. It can predict annotations for given documents and optionally be trained on new data. This document describes the endpoints a web service needs to expose so it can be used with INCEpTION. The documents that are exchanged are in form of a UIMA CAS. For sending, they have to be serialized to CAS XMI. For receiving, it has to be deserialized back. There are two main libraries available that manage CAS handling, one is the Apache UIMA Java SDK, the other one dkpro-cassis (Python).

API Endpoints

Predict annotations for a single document
POST /predict

Sends a CAS together with information about the layer and feature to predict to the external recommender. The external recommender then returns the CAS annotated with predictions.

Type Name Description Schema



Document CAS for which annotations will be predicted


HTTP Code Description Schema


Successful prediction


  • application/json

  • application/json

  • predict

Example HTTP request
Request path
Request body
  "metadata" : {
    "layer" : "de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity",
    "feature" : "value",
    "projectId" : 1337,
    "anchoringMode" : "tokens",
    "crossSentence" : false
  "document" : {
    "xmi" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <xmi:XMI xmlns:tcas=\"http:///uima/tcas.ecore\" xmlns:xmi=\"\" xmlns:cas=\"http:///uima/cas.ecore\" xmlns:cassis=\"http:///cassis.ecore\" xmi:version=\"2.0\"> <cas:NULL xmi:id=\"0\"/> <tcas:DocumentAnnotation xmi:id=\"8\" sofa=\"1\" begin=\"0\" end=\"47\" language=\"x-unspecified\"/> <cas:Sofa xmi:id=\"1\" sofaNum=\"1\" sofaID=\"mySofa\" mimeType=\"text/plain\" sofaString=\"Joe waited for the train . The train was late .\"/> <cas:View sofa=\"1\" members=\"8\"/> </xmi:XMI>",
    "documentId" : 42,
    "userId" : "testuser"
  "typeSystem" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <typeSystemDescription xmlns=\"\"> <types> <typeDescription> <name>uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation</name> <description/> <supertypeName>uima.tcas.Annotation</supertypeName> <features> <featureDescription> <name>language</name> <description/> <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName> </featureDescription> </features> </typeDescription> </types> </typeSystemDescription>"
Example HTTP response
Response 200
  "document" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <xmi:XMI xmlns:tcas=\"http:///uima/tcas.ecore\" xmlns:xmi=\"\" xmlns:cas=\"http:///uima/cas.ecore\" xmlns:cassis=\"http:///cassis.ecore\" xmi:version=\"2.0\"> <cas:NULL xmi:id=\"0\"/> <tcas:DocumentAnnotation xmi:id=\"8\" sofa=\"1\" begin=\"0\" end=\"47\" language=\"x-unspecified\"/> <cas:Sofa xmi:id=\"1\" sofaNum=\"1\" sofaID=\"mySofa\" mimeType=\"text/plain\" sofaString=\"Joe waited for the train . The train was late .\"/> <cas:View sofa=\"1\" members=\"8\"/> </xmi:XMI>"
Train recommender on a set of documents
POST /train

Sends a list of CASses to the external recommender for training. No response body is expected.

Type Name Description Schema



List of documents CAS whose annotations will be used for training


HTTP Code Description Schema


Successful training

No Content


Too many training requests have been sent, the sender should wait a while until the next request

No Content

  • application/json

  • train

Example HTTP request
Request path
Request body
  "metadata" : {
    "layer" : "de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity",
    "feature" : "value",
    "projectId" : 1337,
    "anchoringMode" : "tokens",
    "crossSentence" : false
  "documents" : [ {
    "xmi" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <xmi:XMI xmlns:tcas=\"http:///uima/tcas.ecore\" xmlns:xmi=\"\" xmlns:cas=\"http:///uima/cas.ecore\" xmlns:cassis=\"http:///cassis.ecore\" xmi:version=\"2.0\"> <cas:NULL xmi:id=\"0\"/> <tcas:DocumentAnnotation xmi:id=\"8\" sofa=\"1\" begin=\"0\" end=\"47\" language=\"x-unspecified\"/> <cas:Sofa xmi:id=\"1\" sofaNum=\"1\" sofaID=\"mySofa\" mimeType=\"text/plain\" sofaString=\"Joe waited for the train . The train was late .\"/> <cas:View sofa=\"1\" members=\"8\"/> </xmi:XMI>",
    "documentId" : 42,
    "userId" : "testuser"
  } ],
  "typeSystem" : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <typeSystemDescription xmlns=\"\"> <types> <typeDescription> <name>uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation</name> <description/> <supertypeName>uima.tcas.Annotation</supertypeName> <features> <featureDescription> <name>language</name> <description/> <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName> </featureDescription> </features> </typeDescription> </types> </typeSystemDescription>"


Name Description Schema


Identifier for this document. It is unique in the context of the project.
Example : 42



Identifier for the user for which recommendations should be made.
Example : "testuser"



Example : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <xmi:XMI xmlns:tcas=\"http:///uima/tcas.ecore\" xmlns:xmi=\"\" xmlns:cas=\"http:///uima/cas.ecore\" xmlns:cassis=\"http:///cassis.ecore\" xmi:version=\"2.0\"> <cas:NULL xmi:id=\"0\"/> <tcas:DocumentAnnotation xmi:id=\"8\" sofa=\"1\" begin=\"0\" end=\"47\" language=\"x-unspecified\"/> <cas:Sofa xmi:id=\"1\" sofaNum=\"1\" sofaID=\"mySofa\" mimeType=\"text/plain\" sofaString=\"Joe waited for the train . The train was late .\"/> <cas:View sofa=\"1\" members=\"8\"/> </xmi:XMI>"


Name Description Schema


Describes how annotations are anchored to tokens. Is one of 'characters', 'singleToken', 'tokens', 'sentences'.
Example : "tokens"



True if the project supports cross-sentence annotations, else False
Example : false



Feature of the layer which should be predicted
Example : "value"



Layer which should be predicted
Example : "de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity"



The id of the project to which the document(s) belong.
Example : 1337


Name Description Schema


Example : "Document"



Example : "Metadata"



Type system XML of the CAS
Example : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <typeSystemDescription xmlns=\"\"> <types> <typeDescription> <name>uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation</name> <description/> <supertypeName>uima.tcas.Annotation</supertypeName> <features> <featureDescription> <name>language</name> <description/> <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName> </featureDescription> </features> </typeDescription> </types> </typeSystemDescription>"


Name Description Schema


CAS with annotations from the external recommender as XMI
Example : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <xmi:XMI xmlns:tcas=\"http:///uima/tcas.ecore\" xmlns:xmi=\"\" xmlns:cas=\"http:///uima/cas.ecore\" xmlns:cassis=\"http:///cassis.ecore\" xmi:version=\"2.0\"> <cas:NULL xmi:id=\"0\"/> <tcas:DocumentAnnotation xmi:id=\"8\" sofa=\"1\" begin=\"0\" end=\"47\" language=\"x-unspecified\"/> <cas:Sofa xmi:id=\"1\" sofaNum=\"1\" sofaID=\"mySofa\" mimeType=\"text/plain\" sofaString=\"Joe waited for the train . The train was late .\"/> <cas:View sofa=\"1\" members=\"8\"/> </xmi:XMI>"


Name Description Schema


Example : [ "Document" ]

< Document > array


Example : "Metadata"



Type system XML of the CAS
Example : "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <typeSystemDescription xmlns=\"\"> <types> <typeDescription> <name>uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation</name> <description/> <supertypeName>uima.tcas.Annotation</supertypeName> <features> <featureDescription> <name>language</name> <description/> <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName> </featureDescription> </features> </typeDescription> </types> </typeSystemDescription>"


Encoding annotation suggestions

This section explains how annotation suggestions can be encoded in the response to a predict call.

Note that a recommender can only produce suggestions for one feature on one layer. The name of the layer and feature are contained in the request to the predict call and only suggestions generated for that specific layer and feature will be processed by INCEpTION when the call returns.

For the purpose of producing annotation suggestions, this specific layer is extended with additional features that can be set. Some of these features start with the name of the feature (we use <FEATURE_NAME> as a placeholder for the actual feature name below) to be predicted and then add a suffix:

  • inception_internal_predicted: this boolean feature indicates that an annotation was added by the external recommender. It allows the system to distinguish between annotations that already existed in the document and annotations that the recommender has created. Only annotations where this flag is set to true will be processed by INCEpTION.

  • <FEATURE_NAME>: this feature takes the label that the external recommender assigns.

  • <FEATURE_NAME>_score (optional): this floating-point (double) feature can be used to indicate the score assigned to a predicted label.

  • <FEATURE_NAME>_score_explanation (optional): this string feature can be used to provide an explanation for the score. This explanation is shown on the annotation page when the user inspects a particular suggestion (note that not all editors may support displaying explanations).

  • <FEATURE_NAME>_auto_accept (optional): this feature can be set to on-first-access to force-accept an annotation into a document when an annotator accesses a document for the first time. This should only be used in conjunction with non-trainable recommenders and with the option Wait for suggestions from non-trainable recommenders when opening document in the recommender project settings. Thus, when an annotator opens a document for the first time, the system would wait for recommendations by non-trainable (pre-trained) recommenders and then directly accept any of the suggestions that the recommender has marked to uto-accept on-first-access. When the annotator resets a document via the action bar, this procedure is also followed. This provides a convenient way of "pre-annotating" documents with the help of external recommenders. Note though that an annotator has to actually open a document in order for this process to trigger.

Active Learning

The active learning module aims to guide the user through recommendations in such a way that the the judgements made by the user are most informative to the recommenders. The goal is to reduce the required user interactions to a minimum. The module consists of the following classes and interfaces:

  • The ActiveLearningService interface and its default implementation ActiveLearningServiceImpl which provide access to the ranked suggestions.

  • The ActiveLearningStrategy interface which allows plugging in different sampling strategies.

  • The UncertaintySamplingStrategy class which is currently the only sampling strategy available.

  • The ActiveLearningSidebar class which provides the active learning sidebar for the annotation page. Here the user can accept/reject/correct/skip suggestions.

The active learning module relies on the recommendation module for the actual annotation recommendations. This means that the active learning module does not directly make use of the user feedback. If suggestions are accepted, they are used in the next train/predict run of the recommendation module as training data. The active learning module then samples the new annotation suggestions from this run and updates the order in which it offers the suggestions to the user.

  • ActiveLearningSuggestionOfferedEvent - active learning has pointed the user at a recommentation

  • ActiveLearningRecommendationEvent - user has accepted/rejected a recommendation

  • ActiveLearningSessionStartedEvent - user has opened an active learning session

  • ActiveLearningSessionCompletedEvent - user has closed the active learning session

Sampling strategies

Uncertainty sampling

Currently, there is only a single sampling strategy, namely the UncertaintySamplingStrategy. It it compares the scores of the annotation suggestion. The smaller the difference between the best and the second best score, the earlier the suggestion is proposed to the user. The scores produced by different recommenders can be on different scales and are therefore not really comparable. Thus, the strategy only compares suggestions from the same recommender to each other. So if recommender A produces two suggestions X and Y, they are compared to each other. However, if there are two recommenders A and B producing each one suggestion X and Y, then X and Y are not compared to each other.

Event Log

The event logging module allows catching Spring events and logging them them to the database. It consists of the following classes and interfaces:

  • The EventRepository interface and its default implementation EventRepositoryImpl which serve as the data access layer for logged events.

  • The EventLoggingListener which hooks into Spring, captures events, and then uses the EventRepository to log them.

  • The EventLoggingAdapter interface. Spring components implementing this interface are used to extract information from Spring events and to convert them into a format suitable to be logged.

  • The LoggedEvent entity class which maps the logged events to the database.

  • The LoggedEventExporter and ExportedLoggedEvent which are used to export/import the event log as part of a project export/import.

The log module comes with a number of adapters for common events such as annotation manipulation, changes to the project configuration, etc. Any event for which no specific adapter exists is handled using the GenericEventAdapter which logs only general information (e.g. the timestamp, current user, type of event) but no event-specific details (e.g. current project, current document, or even more specific details). Note that even the GenericEventAdapter skips logging certain Spring events related to session management, authorization, and the Spring context life-cycle.

Event Logging Adapters

New logging adapters should be created in the module which provides the event they are logging. Logging adapters for events generated outside INCEpTION (i.e. in upstream code) are usually added to the log module itself.

To add support for a logging a new event, create a Spring component class which implements the EventLoggingAdapter interface. Implement the following methods depending on the context in which the event is triggered:

  • getProject(Event) if the event is triggered in the context of a specific project (applies to most events);

  • getDocument(Event) if the event is related to a specific source document (e.g. applies to events triggered during annotation).

  • getDocument(Event) if the event is related to a specific annotator (e.g. applies to events triggered during annotation).

The methods getEvent, getUser and getCreated normally do not need to be implemented.

Most event adapters implement the getDetails method. This method must return a JSON string which contains any relevant information about the event not covered by the methods above. E.g. for an annotation manipulation event, it would contain information helping to identify the annotation and the state before and after the manipulation. In order to generate this JSON string, the adapter typically contains an inner class called Details to which the detail information from the event is copied and which is then serialized to JSON using JSONUtil.toJsonString(…​).

Knowledge base

Schema mapping

An IRI Schema defines the following attributes that are used for making queries in a knowledge base.

Table 5. Schema Mapping Attributes
Attribute Description Example Value

Class IRI

Class of resources that are classes.


Subclass IRI

Property that defines a subclass of relation between classes.


Type IRI

Property that defines which class a resource belongs to


Label IRI

Property that defines a human readable label for a class or instance


Description IRI

Property that defines a description for a class or instance


Property IRI

Class of resources that are properties


Subproperty IRI

Property that defines a subproperty of relation between properties.


Property Label IRI

Property that defines a human readable label for a property


Property Description IRI

Property that defines a description for a property


There are multiple classes in the knowledge base module that model the IRI Schema of a knowledge base. All the classes share that they have a single class-attribute for each IRI in the IRI Schema. However each class has a different use case. The relevant classes are shown here.

If the structure of the general IRI Schema is changed (e.g. a new attribute is added) all the classes need to be adjusted.*
Table 6. Knowledge base & schema mapping classes
Class Usage


General model for a knowledge base in frontend and backend components.

KnowledgeBaseProfile and KnowledgeBaseMapping

Read pre-configured knowledge base profiles from a yaml file. The actual IRI Schema is modeled in The yaml file is located at: …​/inception-kb/src/main/resources/de/tudarmstadt/ukp/inception/kb/knowledgebase-profiles.yaml


Defines some specific IRI Schemas (e.g RDF, WIKIDATA, SKOS).


Export a knowledge base configuration when a project is exported.

Concept Linking

The concept linking module is used to find items from a knowledge base that match a certain query and context. It is used e.g. by the ConceptFeatureEditor to display items which match a concept mention and it can use the mention’s context to rank (and optimally disambiguate) the candidate items. It can also be used for non-contextualized queries, e.g. via the search field on the knowledge base browsing page. The module consists of the following classes and interfaces:

  • The ConceptLinkingService interface and its default implementation ConceptLinkingServiceImpl which is the main entry point for locating KB items.

  • The EntityRankingFeatureGenerator interface. Spring beans which implement this interface are automatically picked up by the ConceptLinkingServiceImpl and used to rank candidates.


Feature generators

The module currently uses primarily the LevenshteinFeatureGenerator which calculate the Levenshtein distance between the mention text and the KB item label as well as between the query text (e.g. entered into the auto-complete field of the ConceptFeatureEditor) and the KB item label.

Ranking strategy

The ranking method is currently hard-coded in ConceptLinkingServiceImpl.baseLineRankingStrategy().

Named entity linking recommender

The module also includes the NamedEntityLinker recommender which can be used to generate annotation recommendations. It gets triggered for any NamedEntity annotations and suggests which KB items to link them to.

External Editors

This section introduces the mechanism for registering external editors in INCEpTION. An external editor is an editor plugin implemented in JavaScript / TypeScript.

In order to use an external editor, create a folder editors in the INCEpTION home folder, then within that folder create another folder for the editor plugin. The name of the folder will be the identifier of the editor plugin (e.g. if you would later rename the folder, the editor ID saved in the editor user preference would become invalid).

Within the editor folder, create a plugin descriptor file named plugin.json. This file contains all important information required by INCEpTION to use the editor.

The way the plugin descriptor needs to be set up depends mainly on whether the editor plugin takes care of rendering the full document or only the annotations. However, some settings are generic for any type of editor plugin:

  • name: the human-readable name for the editor

  • factory: the JavaScript expression to access the annotation editor factory provided by the plugin

Example plugin.json for external editor
  "name": "My Editor (external)",
  "factory": "MyEditor.factory()",
  "view": "iframe:cas+xhtml+xml",
  "scripts": [
  "stylesheets": [

Document-rendering editors

A document-rendering editor loads the document and annotation data from the backend and then renders the document including the annotations. This is typically the case for editors using SVG to display the document. The editor has the ability to define the layout of the document in such a ways that the annotations fit nicely.

For document-rendering editors, the plugin.json file offers the following settings:

  • view: the HTML file used as a template for the editor plugin. The value must start with plugin: followed by a path to the HTML file within the plugin. E.g. if a template file editor.html is next to the plugin.json file in the same folder, use plugin:editor.html.

Example plugin.json for document-rendering editor
  "name": "My Editor (external)",
  "factory": "MyEditor.factory()"
  "view": "plugin:editor.html"

The external editor mechanism loads the template file within an IFrame that is embedded in the annotation page. Any CSS or JavaScript files needed by the plugin must be referenced by the template file using a relative location. For example let’s assume a file editor.html which needs to load a editor.css style sheet and an editor.js JavaScript file:

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>DoccanoSequenceEditor demo</title>
<script src="./editor.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./editor.css">
<div id="editor"/>

Editors using server-side document views

Some annotation editors overlay their annotations on an already existing document view. For example, annotations could be overlaid on a HTML or PDF document. In this case, the external editor mechanism can be configured to use a particular DocumentView plugin on the server to render the document and to display it within an IFrame that is embedded in the annotation page. The editor plugin JavaScript and CSS stylesheet files required are then injected into this IFrame as well.

  "name": "My editor",
  "factory": "MyEditor.factory()",
  "view": "iframe:cas+html,
  "scripts": [ "editor.js" ],
  "stylesheets": [ "editor.css" ],


Currently supported views are:

  • iframe:cas+xml: Renders XML contained in the CAS into a generic XML IFrame in the editor area.

  • iframe:cas+xhtml+xml: Renders XML contained in the CAS into an XHTML+XML IFrame in the editor area. HTML head and body elements are added automatically. The XML is rendered into the body.


Every editor should provide a policy.yaml right next to the plugin.json. The policy.yaml declares all elements and attributes that are supported by the editor. This policy file should be written as a safelist, i.e. it should say exactly what is permitted instead of saying what is not allowed. Allowing the wrong elements and attributes may cause security problems, e.g. if they can contain executable JavaScript or load data from remote locations.

There are several elements like script, meta, applet, link, iframe as well as a which are and JavaScript event attributes always filtered out.

If an editor does not provide a policy.yaml file, a default built-in policy is used which allows most HTML formatting elements.

Example policy.yaml file
name: Example policy
version: 1.0
case_sensitive: false
default_attribute_action: DROP
default_element_action: DROP
debug: false
  - { elements: ["html"], action: "PASS" }
  - { elements: ["p", "div"], action: "PASS" }
  - { elements: ["tr", "th"], action: "PASS" }
  - { attributes: ["class"], action: "PASS" }
  - { attributes: ["style"], action: "DROP" }
  - {
      attributes: ["title"],
      matching: "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
      on_elements: ["div"],
      action: "PASS",

There are two types of policies: element policies, and attribute policies.

Element policies

An element policy must contain the key elements which takes a list of element names and the key action which can be either PASS or DROP. If an element is dropped, all child elements are also dropped. Text within the child elements is replaced by an equivalent amount of space such that offsets are not affected.

Note that the root element of your documents should always be allowed to PASS, otherwise the document may fail to render.

It is possible to preserve elements within dropped elements by explicitly allowing the nested elements to PASS.

  - { elements: ["root", "child2"], action: "PASS" }
  - { elements: ["child1"], action: "DROP" }

Using this policy, a document <root><child1><child2>text</child2></child1/></root> will be transformed to <root><child2>text</child2></root>.

Attribute policies

An attribute policy must contain the key attributes which takes a list of attribute names, and the key action which can be either PASS or DROP. Optionally it may contain the the key onElements which takes a list of element names. If this key is present, the policy only affects the attributes on the given elements, otherwise the policy affects all elements globally. Also, the key matching can be optionally included to affect only attributes whose value matches the regular expression provided as the value to matching.

When declaring attribute policies, the order matters. E.g. you should declare more specific policies (e.g. such having a onElements or matching key) before less specific or global policies.


To debug the rules, you can set the key debug to true and reload your editor in the browser. Restarting the whole application is not required. When inspecting the content of the editor IFrame in the browser’s developer tools, you will see that elements and attributes matched by a DROP policy have been prefixed with MASKED- instead of being fully dropped. Do not forget to set debug back to false or to remove the key for actual use.

Editor implementation

Editors can be implemented in JavaScript or languages that can be compiled to JavaScript such as TypeScript. To facilitate the implementation, INCEpTION provides a set of interface definitions for TypeScript, in particular AnnotationEditorFactory and AnnotationEditor.

To make use of these, set up a package.json file next to the plugin.json file. In the package.json file, add @inception-project/inception-js-api as a dependency. The example below also already includes TypeScript and ESBuild as dependencies.

  "name": "My Editor",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "esbuild src/main.ts --target=es6 --bundle --sourcemap --global-name=MyEditor --outfile=editor.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "@inception-project/inception-js-api": "*"
  "devDependencies": {
    "esbuild": "^0.13.12",
    "typescript": "^4.4.2"
The @inception-project/inception-js-api module should eventually be available from the NPMJS. However, if you have INCEpTION checked out locally, you may want to build your editor against the latest local version. To do this, first build INCEpTION once e.g. using mvn clean install or within your IDE. Then go to the folder inception-application/inception/inception-js-api/src/main/ts in your checkout and run npm link. After that, go to the folder containing your editor plugin and run npm link "@inception-project/inception-js-api" there.

The minimal editor implementation consists of three JavaScript/TypeScript files:

  • main.ts: the entry point into your editor module. It is referenced by the build script in the package.json file and provides access to your editor factory.

  • MyEditorFactory.ts: a factory class implementing the AnnotationEditorFactory interface which facilitates access to your editor for the external editor mechanism. In particular, it provides means of instantiating and destroying an editor instance.

  • MyEditor.ts: the actual editor class implementing the AnnotationEditor interface.

Example main.ts file skeleton
import { MyEditorFactory } from './MyEditorFactory';

const INSTANCE = new MyEditorFactory();

export function factory(): MyEditorFactory {
  return INSTANCE;
Example MyEditorFactory.ts file skeleton
import type { AnnotationEditorFactory, AnnotationEditorProperties, DiamClientFactory } from "@inception-project/inception-js-api"

const PROP_EDITOR = "__editor__";

export class MyEditorFactory implements AnnotationEditorFactory {
  public async getOrInitialize(element: HTMLElement, diam : DiamClientFactory, props: AnnotationEditorProperties): Promise<RecogitoEditor> {
    if (element[PROP_EDITOR] != null) {
      return element[PROP_EDITOR];

    const ajax = diam.createAjaxClient(props.diamAjaxCallbackUrl);
    const bodyElement = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    element[PROP_EDITOR] = new MyEditor(bodyElement, ajax);
    return element[PROP_EDITOR];

  public destroy(element: HTMLElement) {
    if (element[PROP_EDITOR] != null) {
Example MyEditor.ts file skeleton
import type { AnnotationEditor, DiamAjax } from "@inception-project/inception-js-api";

const ANNOTATIONS_SERIALIZER = "Brat"; // The annotation format requested from the server

export class RecogitoEditor implements AnnotationEditor {
  private ajax: DiamAjax;

  public constructor(element: HTMLElement, ajax: DiamAjax) {
    this.ajax = ajax;

    // Add editor code here - usually the editor code would be in a set of additional classes which would be
    // instantiated and configured here and be bound to the given HTML element. Also, you would typically
    // register event handlers here that call methods like `createAnnotation` and `selectAnnotation` below, e.g.
    // when marking some text or clicking on an existing annotation.


  public loadAnnotations(): void {
      .then(data => {
        // Place code here that causes your editor to re-render itself using the data received from the server

  public destroy(): void {
    // Depending on your editor implementation, it may be necessary to clean up stuff, e.g. to prevent memory leaks.
    // Do these cleanup actions here.

  private createAnnotation(annotation): void {
    // This is an example event handler to be called by your editor. For example, it could pick up start and end offsets
    // of the text to be annotated as well as the annotated text itself and send these to the server using the DIAM AJAX API
    // that was injected by the exsternal editor mechanism. The server will update its state and send a `loadAnnotations()`
    // call to the browser to trigger a re-rendering.
    this.ajax.createSpanAnnotation([[annotation.begin, annotation.end]], annotation.text);

  private selectAnnotation(annotation): void {
    // This is an example event handler to be called by your editor. For example, it could pick up the annotation ID from
    // the selected annotation and send it to the server using the DIAM AJAX API that was injected by the external editor
    // mechanism. The server will update its state and send a `loadAnnotations()` call to the browser to trigger a re-rendering.

PDF Annotation Editor

The PDF-Editor module allows the view and annotation of PDF documents.

The module consists of several parts:

  • the VisualPdfReader is using pdfbox to extract the text from the PDF files. During this process, it keeps track of the positions of each glyph (the "visual model") and also includes this information as annotations in the CAS. The org.dkpro.core.api.pdf.type.PdfPage type encodes information about page boundaries while the org.dkpro.core.api.pdf.type.PdfChunk type encodes information about short sequences of glyphs that have the same orientation and script direction (typically belonging to the same word).

  • the PdfDocumentFrameView is using pdf.js to display the PDF file in the browser. It provides endpoints for the browser to access the PDF as well as for obtaining the visual model.

  • the PdfAnnotationEditor which builds on the PdfDocumentFrameView and includes the client-side JavaScript code (loosely based on PDFAnno). For the communication of the editor with the backend, the INCEpTION JS editor API (DIAM) is used.

PDF Annotation Editor (legacy)

Legacy feature. To use this functionality, you need to enable it first by adding ui.pdf-legacy.enabled=true to the file.

Support for this feature will be removed in a future version. The replacement is PDF Annotation Editor.

The PDF-Editor module allows the view and annotation of PDF documents. This is implemented using PDFAnno, PDFExtract and DKPro PDF Reader. The choice for PDFAnno and other implementation choices are explained in the following.

Selecting a PDF Annotation Tool

There are only few requirements to a PDF annotation tool for integration into INCEpTION. It must provide support for span and relation annotations and it should also be lightweight and easily modifiable to fit into INCEpTION.

There are two PDF annotation tools up for discussion. The first one is PDFAnno and the second is Both tools are web-based and open source software available on GitHub.

PDFAnno is a lightweight annotation tool that only supports the PDF format. It was created specifically to solve the lack of free open source software for annotating PDF documents which is also capable of creating relations between annotations. This is described in the publication about PDFAnno by Shindo et al. is a project that was created to provide an annotation layer over the web. The idea is to be able to create annotations for all content available on the internet and to share it with other people. Hence provides the functionality to annotate PDF documents.

PDFAnno compared to comes with a smaller code base and is less complex. Both editors feature span annotations, however only PDFAnno provides the functionality to create relations between span annotations which is required in INCEpTION. As was designed to share annotations with others a login mechanism is part of the software.

PDFAnno provides relations, is more lightweight and does not have a login functionality, which would have to be removed. Hence PDFAnno fits the requirements better than and was chosen as the PDF annotation tool for integration into INCEpTION.

Differences in PDF Document Text Extractions

PDFAnno uses PDF.js to render PDF documents in the browser. The tool PDFExtract is used to extract information about the PDF document text. It produces a file in which each line contains information about one character of the text. Information includes the page, the character and the position coordinates of the character in the PDF document, in the given order and separated by a tab character. An example:

1  E  0 1 2 3
1  x  4 5 6 7
1  a  8 9 10 11
1  m  12 13 14 15
1  p  16 17 18 19
1  l  20 21 22 23
1  e  24 25 26 27
2  [MOVE_TO]  28 29
2  NO_UNICODE  30 31 32 33

There are also draw operations included which are of no relevance for the use in INCEpTION. Characters which have no unicode mapping have the value NO_UNICODE. The PDFExtract file does not contain information about any whitespaces that occur in the PDF document text. PDFAnno requires the PDF document and the PDFExtract file to work. The PDF document can be obtained from the INCEpTION backend. To also provide the PDFExtract file, the tool was slightly modified so that it can be used as a library in INCEpTION.

PDFAnno provides an API for handling annotations. It is possible to import a list of annotations by providing an URL for download. This list has to be in the TOML format. Span annotations require the begin and end positions of the characters it covers. This positions are equal to the line number of characters in the PDFExtract file. A span annotation example in TOML format:

id = "1"
page = 1
label = ""
color = "#ff00ff"
text = "Example"
textrange = [1, 7]

The Brat editor used in INCEpTION works only on plain text. For PDF documents this plain text is obtained by the use of DKPro PDF Reader. The reader extracts the text information from the PDF document and performs operations to ensure correct text ordering and to replace certain character sequences with substitutes from a substitution table.

As the extractions between PDFAnno and INCEpTION differ a mapping of those representations must be implemented to ensure annotations can be exchanged between the frontend and the backend and are usable across all editor modes.

Preparing Representations

To use a mapping method between the text representation of PDFAnno and INCEpTION at first they must be preprocessed to have a similar structure.

As the PDFExtract file does not only contain the text string, first the characters of the file need to be obtained and appended to a string. All draw operations and NO_UNICODE lines are ignored. As DKPro PDF Reader uses a substitution table to sanitize the document text, the same substitution table is used to sanitize the obtained string.

The PDFExtract file does not contain any whitespaces present in the document text, however DKPro PDF Reader preserves them. The whitespaces are removed from the DKPro PDF Reader string to have a similar structure to the PDFExtract sanitized string content.

Figure 1. Mapping Process (left) with examples (right)

Even though both representations now are in a similar shape it can still happen that the content in both strings differs. For example ordering of text areas could be messed up which can especially happen for PDF documents that contain multiple text columns on one page. As both representations are not equal even after preprocessing, a mapping algorithm has to be implemented to find the text of annotations from one representation in the respective other representation.

Mapping Annotations

There are multiple ways to achieve a mapping between PDFAnno and INCEpTION for annotations. Two methods were tested during development: exact string search with context and sequence alignment.

The first option is to make an exact search for the annotation text. However as annotations often cover only one token an exact search for the annotation text would result in multiple occurrences. To get a unique result it is required to add context to the annotation text. As this still can yield multiple occurrences, context is expanded until a unique mapping or no mapping at all is found. Performing this for all annotations results in a lot of string search operations. However the performance can be improved by searching for all annotations in the target string at once with the help of the Aho-Corasick algorithm.

Another approach is to use sequence alignment methods which are popular in bioinformatics. PDF document texts are rather large and most sequence alignment algorithms require O(M x N) memory space, where M and N are the size of the two sequences. This results in a large memory consumption on computing the alignment, hence an algorithm should be used that works with less memory. Such an algorithm is Hirschbergs algorithm. It consumes only O(min(M,N)) memory.

The advantage of the sequence alignment method would be a direct mapping between the representation of PDFExtract and DKPro PDF Reader. However, during testing for larger documents, for example 40 pages, the duration until Hirschbergs algorithm finished was too long and would be unsatisfying for a user. The exact string search however takes increasingly longer to compute mappings the larger the document is and the more annotations have to be mapped. As discussed the Aho-Corasick algorithm reduces the time. However, this still does not scale well for larger documents. To overcome this issue a page wise rendering of annotations was introduced. When navigating through the PDF document in PDFAnno annotations are rendered dynamically per page. In detail, this means whenever the user moves through the document, the current page changes and the user stops movement for 500 ms, the annotations for the previous, current and next page are rendered. This way large documents can be handled by the PDF editor without long wait times for the user.

The exact string search seemed to perform well in terms of finding matching occurrences for annotations in both directions. For the manually tested documents all annotations were found and matched.

inception pdf editor
Figure 2. PDF Editor Architecture

File Formats

This section explains how to support different type of file formats for importing and exporting annotated texts. The file format supports are mainly based on DKPro-Core-compatible reader and writer UIMA components. They are then simply made known to the application via a FormatSupport implementation.

The extension mechanism consists of the following classes and interfaces:

  • The FormatSupport interface which provides the API necessary to make file formats known to the application. It providse means to fetch the format ID and the human-readable format name shown in the UI. It also allows to create reader and/or writer components. Various implementations of this interface are included with the application, e.g. the WebAnnoTsv3FormatSupport.

  • The ImportExportService interface and its implementation ImportExportServiceImpl which provide access to the registered format supports and also offers methods to import and export annotated text in any of the formats.


The repository is a folder below the INCEpTION home folder which contains most of the applications data that is not stored in the database. This includes in particular the original documents imported into the application as well as annotations made by the users.

The source document data is managed by the DocumentService while the annotated documents are managed by the CasStorageService.

┣ <project ID>.log - project log file
β”— project
  β”— <project ID> - data related to the project with the given ID
    β”£ document - managed by the CasStorageService
    β”ƒ  β”— <document ID>
    β”ƒ    β”— annotation
    β”ƒ      β”£ INITIAL_CAS.ser - initial converted version of the source document
    β”ƒ      β”£ <user ID>.ser
    β”ƒ      β”— <user ID>.ser.<timestamp>.bak - backups of the user’s annotations (if enabled)
    β”£ source - managed by the DocumentService
    β”ƒ  β”— <original file> - original source file
    β”— settings
      β”— <user ID> - user-specific preferences
        β”— - annotation preferences



Appendix A: System Properties

Setting Description Default Example


Enable Wicket debug mode

